Feelmevr.com is virtual reality porn and erotic pornsite, feel the models as if they are right next to you. For best results you should use virtual reality goggle, but if you do not have one, FeelMeVR content is viewable on 2D devices in 4K. At the time of this writing, there are only a few models that are on their site, but we sure like the quality versus quantity. Certain sites seem to have a lot of models, but FeelMeVr features models that seems like your next door neighbor. Some of you might enjoy regular people porn versus plasticky porn star look, bringing things closer to actual reality. The kind of VR shows you will find on this site includes, teen, striptease, masturbation, lesbian, fetish, and anal. The subscription will also grant access to 4 bonus sites and unlimited streaming. You can access a single site for $19.90/month. If you would like to add the bonus sites, the monthly fee is $39.90. single site for $44.70/ 3 months. If you would like to add the bonus sites, the 3 month fee is $89.90. Annual membership costs $89.90, with the network sites will cost $159.90. Bonus sites include: Domingoview.com Charmodels.net Test-shoots.com Payment methods include, Paypal, Visa, Mastarcard, Amex, and Mastarcard.
- Fresh looking models
- Lack of VR content
- Have to pay extra for bonus site